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Accelerate your chemistry research with the world’s largest scientific research database

To stay ahead in chemical research development and innovation, you need accurate, up-to-date research information delivered at speed.

Dimensions provides the most comprehensive view of the entire research landscape, helping you to:

Drive commercial growth
Make cost and efficiency savings with the latest manufacturing methods, diversify your portfolio, and maximise the output of your existing resources.

Sharpen your strategy
Identify knowledge gaps and discover information you didn’t know you didn’t know. Co-create custom dashboards to observe early trend analysis, conduct start-up profiling, and scope the latest outputs through competitive analysis.

Find what you need, fast
Dimensions’ AI-powered search incorporates ontologies of 40 million concepts with 100 million synonyms. Our chemistry registry contains over 150 million compounds across grants, clinical trials, patents, datasets and policy documents.

Increase innovation
Conduct horizon scanning to spot changes in product demand and accelerate product development. Stay on top of global technological developments, discover under-researched areas of interest, and identify potential collaborators.

We understand that every organisation’s needs are unique, so we take a personal approach to helping you. Our team will ensure you conduct the very best research with Dimensions by your side.

For more information, please visit: