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ION Science Ltd: Market leading PID sensor technology for VOC detection

Ensuring accurate and reliable detection of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) requires the best sensor technology. ION Science, is the global, leading OEM of PID (photoionisation detection) sensors, measuring VOCs at very low concentrations, including parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb), over the widest dynamic range on the market without compromising performance. The MiniPID sensor range is designed for both diffuse and in-line pumped sampling. It can deliver a reliable response to thousands of VOCs across many applications.

The types of instruments or devices that ION Science sensors are integrated into should never be subject to compromise. Many can contribute to saving lives, preventing serious health effects, or protecting the environment. Equipping the right kind of sensor is essential to ensure your business remains compliant, safe, and certified.

ION Science’s committed research and development team, with over 60 years of PID expertise, have worked to develop the world’s most comprehensive PID sensor portfolio. This includes having the only 11.7 eV sensor on the market, helping customers detect critical chemicals including formaldehyde, methanol and ethylene, and also the most sensitive PID in the world, MiniPID 2 HS.

ION Science’s sensors boast a number of benefits that demonstrate why their market-leading status is deserved. The MiniPID sensor range is the market leader in quality and standards for all VOC sensors. Able to withstand relative humidity up to 99% (non-condensing), temperatures of -40 to +65°C, and with an anti-contamination design, the MiniPID sensor range offers 10,000 hours of reliable detection, ideal for long-term monitoring.

The patented fence electrode technology found in all ION Science MiniPID sensors helps to eliminate false positives. The fence electrode guards the sensing electrodes against short circuits, and false negatives are also minimised through a combination of advanced electrode geometry and moisture filtering.

Using the best technology is fundamental when designing a product; however, technical support, quality and reliable supply are critical for long-term success. ION Science treat its customers as partners and works closely with major gas detection companies across the world. Integrating PIDs into an instrument is more challenging than with other sensors, their enthusiastic support team share their knowledge to decrease product development times and speed up the return on investment for customers.

In the ever-challenging global supply chain landscape, ION has worked closely with all its key suppliers to ensure long term uninterrupted supply. This allows them to provide the best PID sensor lead times to all customers globally.

ION Science’s MiniPID sensor technology is world leading in standards of quality, accuracy, and reliability for VOC detection.

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